[FIRM] Fwd: Einladung Talk am 29. April 2010

Stefan Theussl stefan.theussl at wu.ac.at
Di Apr 27 17:04:51 CEST 2010

Liebe Kollegen,

anbei eine Einladung/Erinnerung zu einem Vortrag bezueglich R und Cloud 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Stefan Theussl

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Statmath-institut] Einladung Talk am 29. April 2010
Date: 	Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:43:45 +0200
From: 	Haupt, Karin <Karin.Haupt at wu.ac.at>
To: 	'statmath-institut at wu.ac.at' <statmath-institut at wu.ac.at>

*Karim Chine*

Cloud Era Ltd, Cambridge, UK**

* *


* *

am Donnerstag, 29. April 2010

um 18:00 Uhr

in unserem Seminarraum, 4. Ebene



Beyond the Cloud computing hype, infrastructure as a service holds the 
promise of a revolution in scientific and statistical computing. 
Infinite computing capacity became accessible on demand to everyone 
within a sustainable environment that enables collaboration and 
resources sharing and provides the building blocks of a ubiquitous 
platform for traceable and reproducible computational research. However, 
bringing new era for research and education still requires new software 
that bridges the gap between the scientist's everyday tools and the 
cloud. Elastic--R (www.elasticr.net) is a* *Google docs-like portal for 
data analysis that* *takes R to the cloud and provides a user friendly 
facade to utility computing infrastructures such as Amazon EC2. It 
enables statisticians, computational scientists, financial analysts, 
educators and students to use cloud resources seamlessly; to work with R 
engines and use their full capabilities from within simple browsers; to 
collaborate, share and reuse functions, algorithms, spreadsheets, user 
interfaces, R sessions, servers; and to perform elastic distributed 
computing with any number of virtual machines to solve compute-intensive 
problems. Elastic-R is also an applications' platform which makes it 
easier than ever to assemble server-side statistical and numerical 
components and models with client-side interactive user interfaces and 
dashboards that anyone can visually create and publish.


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